A pioneer : recollections of the past , the years i got along with professor hou defeng 我与侯德封先生相处的日子
Abstract : on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the well known geologist , hou defeng , some discussions on his important contributions to the development of mineral industry and earth sciences in china are given 文摘:时值侯德封先生百年华诞之际,仅以此文缅怀他老人家在中国开拓矿业及发展地学两个方面所做出的重大贡献。
Mr . e defeng , dr . lars brink and dr . kevin chen reviewed the progress and discussed issues and challenges with the research teams . technical guidance was also provided to the research teams on future research work 鄂处长陈志钢博士lars brink博士与研究小组就研究取得的成果和存在问题进行了深入地讨论,专家们对下一步研究提出了宝贵的建议。