A piper cub was chartered to fly . 人们采用了派厄泼克勃型飞机飞行。
Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now . 狮子在动物园繁殖早已屡见不鲜了。
That sneering young cub got taken down a peg or two on that occasion . 当时那个傲气十足的黄毛小儿被我压了一压。
It looks like a surveillance report on the cub scouts and brownies of america . 这就象是一份关于美国童子军和核仁巧克力饼的观察报告一样。
That intolerable cub shuffled about so sleepily and lolled against the rails in such a slack, improper fashion that i came down on him sharply . 这个黄毛小儿瞌睡虫似地拖着脚步晃来晃去,还瘫软着身子靠在栏杆上,一点不象样子,便冲着他吼叫起来。
. . . to introduce his pet iion cub , giimore . . .来介绍一下他的宠物小狮子,吉尔莫
. . . to introduce his pet lion cub , gilmore . . .来介绍一下他的宠物小狮子,吉尔莫
He uprighted the cub and perched him on the bed 他放掉了记者,让他坐在床上。
The little lion cubs , they start messing with him 小狮子们,开始对他不客气
The one time my dad showed up at cub scouts . . 我在我老爸唯一来过的活动上…