Laser spot image denoising using the wavelet algorithm based on cross - validation 基于交叉验证的激光光斑小波降噪
The choice of smoothing parameter can be automatically obtained by using generalized cross - validation function 自编程序进行计算,得到了回归参数向量和样条函数的补偿最小二乘估计。
Decision tree arithmetic can easily create an if - then expression . its accuracy can be estimated by k - fold cross - validation 决策树算法的最大优点是能够很容易地产生出if - then表达式。
Using cross - validation to select h as hn * . under proper conditions , this paper gives the bounds of hn * , and the convergence rate and the weak consistency of g ( t ) ) ,在一定的正则性条件下,给出了( ? )的上下界估计和g ( t )的估计的收敛速度。
A cross - validation study of 150 inmates in california s folsom state prison indicated that meditation significantly reduced state and trait anxiety , insomnia , neuroticism , and behavioral infractions 对加州佛山监狱一百一十五名受刑人作交叉验证的研究,发现打坐可以有效的减少焦虑失眠神经病状及违法行为。
The support vector classifier is adopted to identify fault in the two types , and the grid search method based on cross - validation is chosen to determine model parameters 该模型将变压器故障分为放电性和过热性两大类,通过统计分析寻求特征量区分类间的故障类型,采用支持向量机识别类内的故障类型,利用基于交叉验证的网格搜索法来确定支持向量机的参数。
At the part of empirical study , this paper chooses 124 a - stock listed companies from stock exchange of shanghai and shenzhen as research samples , makes use of the step method to filter the 13 possible variables ( including 3 debt - paying ability indexes , 3 operating ability indexes , 4 profitability indexes and 3 cash flow indexes ) in analysis and finally sets up discrimimant models by fisher discrimimant rules with the samples " financial data . then this paper validates the stability of these models using the self - validation and cross - validation before analyzing the prediction ability of these models with outside - validation 实证研究部分主要以我国深、沪两市124家上市公司为研究样本,采用上市公司1998年至2001年的实际财务数据,运用逐步判别分析方法对拟进入模型的13个变量(包括3个偿债能力指标、 3个经营能力指标、 4个获利能力指标及3个现金流量指标)进行筛选,并根据fisher判别准则建立判别模型,在运用自身验证法与交互式验证法对模型的稳定性加以验证后,运用外部数据验证法对模型的预测能力进行了分析。
In this paper , we use nonparametric regression method in chinese financial time series , we also use both kernel regression after improving cross - validation function and local polynomial estimation of regression under mixing condition to study and analyze the volatility in chinese stock market 在本文中,我们把非参数回归的方法运用到我国实际的金融时间序列数据之中,讨论了我国股价指数收益率序列的易变性。而在用非参数回归进行估计时,选择合适的窗宽有着重要的意义。