conscious adj. 1.有意识的,有知觉的;神志清醒的。 2.自觉的,自己知道的,明明知道的 (of; that); 有意的,故意的。 3.(痛苦、感情、冷气等)感觉得到的;意识到的。 4.=self-conscious. 5.有…意识的〔常用以构成复合词〕。 Man is a conscious being. 人是有意识的生物。 He became conscious. 他清醒[苏醒]了。 a hardly conscious movement 不自觉[自然而然]的动作。 be [become] conscious of 意识到。 be conscious of one's own blame 自知理亏。 be too conscious极腼腆。 the conscious simper 忸怩的强笑。 with a conscious air 故作谦虚地。 with conscious superiority 带着故作高人一等的神气。 adv. -ly
Individual conscientiousness has its limits 个人觉悟是有界限的。
Strong sense of responsibility , team spirit & conscientiousness 优秀的团队精神、敬业精神和高度责任感。
A study on the relationships between managers ' conscientiousness and job performance 管理者责任心和工作绩效关系的研究
The clay figures from chin dynasty were molded precisely with conscientiousness and carefulness 秦俑的细部雕塑具备了一丝不?的特点。
Possessing the qualities of deligence , conscientiousness and honesty . being eager and quick to learn 工作认真、细致,为人诚实,具有刻苦钻研的精神。
They sell themselves short on the issue of conscientiousness , the study finds ; they ' re actually quite thoughtful 他们低估了自己的责任感,研究发现:他们实际上相当深思熟虑。
Strong sense of responsibility , conscientiousness and team spirit and excellent coordinating and communicating skills 良好的团队精神、敬业精神及高度责任感,良好的沟通及协调能力。
Your son , he wrote , gives promise of becoming an officer , who will make his name by his industry , firmness , and conscientiousness “令郎, ”他写道, “因为他兢兢业业立场坚定勤勤恳恳,有希望当上一名与众不同的军官。
The main results were mentioned as follows : ( 1 ) accountability of administrative leader included justifying , conscientiousness and initiative 行政领导的责任性包括以下几个方面:解释合理性、责任意识、主动性、积极响应; 2
Third , by using anova and t - test , the author finds that unmarried and married managers are distinct in the dimension of their conscientiousness 第三、运用方差分析和t检验表明,已婚管理者与未婚管理者在责任心维度上存在显著差异。