Everywhere, colonists had to rely mainly on small farms and self-sufficiency . 不论在什么地方,殖民者都必须主要依赖小农场和自给自足。
The earliest colonists found abundant forests and suitable soil with adequate rainfall . 最初期的殖民者发现美洲林木丰茂,土地肥沃,雨水充足。
The early colonists could naturally find little leisure for either the reading or the writing of polite literature . 早期的殖民者自然无暇阅读或创作典雅的文学。
Like many of his fellow, colonists mr. luce was a high or rather a deep conservative . 像他一样的移民中,卢斯先生是许多偏激的或者不如说是顽固的保守分子中的一个。
Such colonists would be liable to modification, the principle of inheritance still betraying their original birthplace . 这类移居者虽易起变化,然而遗传原理还是泄露了它们的原产地。
The american colonists are said to have called the species english walnut to distinguish it from the american black walnut . 殖民地美国居民为了使它与美国的黑核桃相区别,把它称之为英国核桃。
The tutsi were collaborators for the belgian colonists 图西族曾通敌比利时殖民者
The king of england granted a charter to the colonists 英国国王给殖民地以特权。