It must also be cognisant of the possibility that if high inflation expectations become entrenched, bringing them down will require even higher rates and come at a significant cost to growth 它还必须认识到这样一种可能性:如果人们对高通胀预期“见怪不怪”,那么要降低预期,就需要更大幅度地加息,使经济增长付出沉重代价。
From inside information extending over a series of years mr bloom was rather inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, pending that consummation devoutly to be or not to be wished for, he was fully cognisant of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless they were much bigger fools than he took them for, rather concealed their strength than the opposite 根据经年累月的内幕消息,布卢姆先生颇倾向于把上述见解看作是荒谬透顶的胡言乱语,嗤之以鼻因为姑且不论他是否衷心企盼那样一种结局154,对这一事实他总是了如指掌:除非海峡对岸的那些邻人远比他所设想的还要愚蠢,否则与其认为他们在显示实力,毋宁说是藏而不露。
I suppose i do come on; though in what fashion i know not; being scarcely cognisant of my movements, and solicitous only to appear calm; and, above all, to control the working muscles of my face-which i feel rebel insolently against my will, and struggle to express what i had resolved to conceal 我猜想我确实往前走了,尽管不知道怎么走过去的。我几乎没有意识到自己的行动,而一味切记着要显得镇定,尤其要控制活动的面部神经而它却公然违抗我的意志,挣扎着要把我决心掩饰的东西表露出来。