What is it but false, misleading, nonsensical claptrap to say that their interests were identical with those of their employer ? 说他们的利益和老板的利益一致,岂不是撒谎,骗人和荒谬的花言巧语吗?
His talk about employers being not only the masters but the friends of their workmen is also mere claptrap because he knows as well as we do . 他说老板不仅是老板,而且是工人的朋友,这也只是花言巧语而已。因为他和我们一样心里很明白。
He talked a lot of dangerous claptrap about the glories of war 他讲一大堆有关战争光荣之类危险瞎掰的话。
I hate . that air / of claptrap , which your recent poets prize ( byron 我憎恨…这种哗众取宠的氛围,而你们这些诗人却追求这些(拜伦) 。
This column throws out all the theoretical claptrap and focuses on the concepts you need to get started with data binding 这个专栏抛开所有空洞的理论,把重点放在应用数据绑定需要了解的概念上。
As to the great service , said carton , i am bound to avow to you , when you speak of it in that way , that it was mere professional claptrap “至于那个大忙, ”卡尔顿说, “既然你说得那么郑重其事,我倒不能不向你发誓,那只不过是一种手法,为了耸人听闻而已。