The carraways are something of a clan . 卡拉韦家族是一户望门贵族。
The carraways are something of a clan . 姓卡罗威的也可算是个世家。
He will know well enough our clan is not to rise . 他很清楚我们的部族不会起义。
She ranks as my junior in the clan . 她的辈分比我小。
But he had a strong rival, rory, head of the clan murcertach . 可是他又碰到了劲敌--默克塔克氏族的头目罗里。
They sat in silence, honoring the clan jordache for a moment . 他们默默地坐了一会儿,对乔达虚家族表示了一番敬意。
The drums sounded the advance, the redcoats moved forward, the clans were beaten back . 战鼓发出前进的命令,身穿红外套的英国士兵向前推进,高地人被击败后退。
His voice was solemn, as if the memory of that sudden extinction of a clan still haunted him . 他的声音很严肃,仿佛回忆自己显赫家族的骤然消亡是一件沉痛的事情。
Here, too, were many of that old, proscribed, nameless, red-handed clan of the macgregors . 另外还有许多姓麦克格隆高的,他们是那个古老的,被放逐的、匿名的、两手涂满鲜血的部族。
A comparison of the indian clan with the gens of the greeks and romans reveals at once their identity in structure and functions . 把印第安人的克兰同希腊罗马人的氏族作一对比,立刻便显示出它们的结构和功能完全相同。