Every master in chancery has had a reference out of the cause . 大法庭里的每个推事,都从本案中混到一份资历证明书。
We just twist up chancery lane, and cut along holborn, and there we are in four minutes' time . 我们只要拐过法院小街,顺着荷尔蓬大街往前走上四分钟就到了。
On the eastern borders of chancery lane, that is to say, more particularly in gook's court, cursitor street, mr. snagsby, law-stationer pursues his lawful calling . 在法院小街东头,说得更清楚一些,也就是在柯西特大街的库克大院里,法律文具店老板斯纳斯比先生经营他那合法的买卖。
He ' ll not put his head in chancery , that ' s clear 很明显,他不会作茧自缚。
I had ( his ) head in chancery , and could give it him 我把他的头挟在腋下,可以狠狠地揍他。
One ? got ? in ? chancery , ? and ? then ? there ? were ? four . 一个被留下还剩四个。
I had ( his ) head in chancery , and could give it him 我把他的头挟在腋下,可以狠狠地揍他。
I have a liaison at the angolan chancery in d . c 我认识安哥拉驻华盛顿特区办事处的一个联络官
He found himself in chancery when the truth came out 真相大白后他发觉自己陷入了孤立无援的境地。