The results are given in cfm - cubic feet per minute 结果用cfm (每分钟多少立方英尺)表示。
Cfm cathode - follower mixer 阴极跟随器混频器
The application . cfm file is executed each time a new page is loaded 每次加载新的页面,都需要执行这个application . cfm文件。
You will need to add " index . cfm " to this line , like shown in listing 1 那么您需要将“ index . cfm ”添加到这一行中,如清单1中所示。
Every coldfusion application needs to contain a file called the application . cfm file 每一个coldfusion应用程序都需要包含一个叫做application . cfm的文件。
We use the semantic modes in the cfm as the framework for the representation of chinese clause ' s semantics 我们把“语义模式”作为汉语小句的语义表示框架。
There comments aren t sychronized in my blog - http : rickdog . terapad . com index . cfm ? fa contentgeneric . cwjqvereoypbgmib pageid 108438 为什么我刮了三次还是没一次中奖.
In the application . cfm file , this variable is declared to the data source in db2 , where our data is stored 在application . cfm文件中,这个变量被声明为db2中的数据源,这里也是存储数据的地方
Again , setting it in the application . cfm makes it a global variable and accessible from any page in your application 再次声明,在application . cfm中设置变量会使该变量成为全局变量,并且可以从应用程序的任何页面中获得该变量。
A low noise , high cfm fan channeled through our sleek looking , uniquely designed casing helps direct heat away while focusing more air through the heatsink 低噪音,高风量,多方向排风风扇设计,独特的外壳设计使热量彻底的直接排出。