career n. 1.生涯;经历;履历;遭遇;(星球等的)轨迹。 2.(外交官等的)职业;前途;成功,出头,发迹。 3.飞跑,全速。 4.〔古语〕猛袭。 His career is run. 他的一生[前途]完了。 a business career从事实业,在商界。 a political career从政。 in full career 用全速,极力飞跑。 in mid career 在中途。 make [carve] a career 追求名利,争取前途;向上爬。 adj. 〔美国〕职业性质的。 vi. 猛冲,飞跑 (about)。
No , we ' re not going to have children . we ' re both very career - oriented 没有,我们两个都以事业为重。
We added a brand new topic which is career - oriented at city ark 2006年5月底,在城市光廊增加特色主题? ? “职业版”话题讨论。
Research on the application of career - oriented outward bound in management courses 基于职业导向的拓展训练在管理类课程中的应用研究
When an organization fails to proactively develop its workforce , career - oriented people pursue their own agendas 当一个组织不能前瞻性地开发生产力时,职业导向的成员就会执行自己的规划。
Report entitled " action for the future - career - oriented studies and the new senior secondary academic structure for special schools 题为"策动未来-职业导向教育及特殊学校的新高中学制"的报告
Consultation document entitled " action for the future - further consultation on career - oriented studies and the new senior secondary academic structure for special schools 题为"策动未来-就职业导向教育及特殊学校的新高中学制作进一步谘询"的谘询文件
As a fast growing business , syngenta seeds china creates more interesting and challenging job opportunities for highly committed and career - oriented talents 作为一家快速发展的公司,先正达(中国)为寻求职业发展的有志之士提供多个具有挑战性及趣味性的工作机会。
As a fast growing business , syngenta seeds china creates more interesting and challenging job opportunities for highly committed and career - oriented talents 作为一家快速发展的公司,先正达种子(中国)为寻求职业发展的有志之士提供多个具有挑战性及趣味性的工作机会。
The panel discussed the consultation document entitled " action for the future - further consultation on career - oriented studies and the new senior secondary academic structure for special schools " 事务委员会讨论题为策动未来-就职业导向教育及特殊学校的新高中学制作进一步谘询的谘询文件。
We should shift the thinking of pre - occupation training in china , establish basic ideas of career - oriented education , and make out the pre - occupation training systematically throughout the education 启示国内的大学生就业指导务必转换思路,创立职业定向教育的基本理念,系统规划就业指导,并贯穿于教育教学始终。