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  • 例句与用法
  • The properties of calorifics , crystallinity , mechanism and shape memory were studied and the effect of structures on propt es were studied through the relationship between them
  • However , the manufacture process of twt is so complicated that many kinds of subject , such as electron optics , magnetics , cathode electronics , microwave electronics , electronmagnetic fields theory , material science , mechanics and calorifics are involved in
  • In this thesis , used thermocouple to sense the temperature in the space of the hearth , attributed the thermocouple based on calorifics and scientific arithmetic , acquired data by data acquiring card , processed data according to the demand of setting up temperature model and drawing graphics and then caculated the coordinates of isothermal points and normals of isothermal facets , ascertained the order of connecting points and the model of construct , drawed the isothermal facet of temperature field with opengl at last
  • The obtained polysilane - polyacrylate gradient films showed no macro - interface with the silicone content reducing gradually from the top surface to the bottom one . dma thermograms indicated that polysilane - polyacrylate gradient films contained two glass temperatures with their bands drifting from and their range extending much from each component . the good properties of waterproof , calorifics , and ultraviolet - absorption were also determined by dsc , uv and water contact angle measurements
  • The properties of polyurethane ionomer were studied , including calorifics , dynamic mechanism and shape memory . comparing to the liner shape memory polyurethane non - ionomer , ionomer has superior effect on shape memory behavior and water vapor permeability especially the water vapor permeability increased from 5 - 8 times of liner smp to 20 - 30 times of ionomers lastly the novel crosslinked shape memory polyurethane was synthesized , which shape recovering temperature were randomly controlled and can completely recover original shape . the properties of polyurethane were studied , including calorifics , dynamic mechanism and shape memory
    然后,在此基础上合成了离子型形状记忆聚氨酯材料,对其热性能、动态力学性能、形状记忆性能、透湿气性能进行了研究,并与普通非离子型形状记忆聚氨酯进行了比较,研究发现离子型形状记忆聚氨酯具有更大的软段结晶度、更好的形状记忆性能、更优越的力学性能和透湿气性能,尤其是其透湿气性能有了非常显著的提高,其高温段湿气渗透率是其低温段湿气渗透率的20 30倍,远远大于线型形状记忆聚氨酯的5 8倍。
  • The obtained polysilane - polyacrylate gradient films showed no macro - interface with the silicone content reducing gradually from the top surface to the bottom one . dma thermograms indicated that polysilane - polyacrylate gradient films contained two glass temperatures with their bands drifting from and their range extending much from each component . the good properties of waterproof , calorifics , and ultraviolet - absorption were also determined by dsc , uv and water contact angle measurements
    结果表明:有机硅聚合物-聚甲基丙烯酸酯梯度膜有两个玻璃化转变温区,玻璃化转变范围相对组分材料的玻璃化转变范围发生了漂移和扩展;有机硅聚合物-聚甲基丙烯酸酯梯度膜具有较好的热学性能; pmts pmma体系梯度膜中硅含量的提高有利于改善膜层的憎水性能和紫外吸收性能。
  • In allusion to some types of the functional fibre s performances and characters the paper mainly has this fibres microstructure scanned by electron microscrope . in addition we also discuss their differences of microstructure eroded by the plasm . meanwhile by performing mechanics analysis we get theoretical analysis of their space - conglomerating structure . finally we perform analysis of the ultraviolet radiation and analysis of the caloricr weightlessness . as a result these types of fibre not only keep their own fine traits , but also own good conglomerating structure , crystal limit , calorifics performance and mechanics performance . compared with the ordinary fiber , the neatness of high - contracted polyester fiber increases and it s diameter also increases . there are bubbles in the burning - resisting viscose fiber and it has smooth vertical structure
  • Cubic boron nitride ( cbn ) is a synthesized wide - band - gap iii - v compound semiconductor and has lots of excellent physical and chemical properties . it has been attracted a nice bit of attention for years because of its application in mechanics , calorifics , optics and electronics
    立方氮化硼( cbn )是一种人工合成的宽带隙-族化合物半导体材料,它有许多优异的物理化学性质,在力学、热学、光学、电子学等方面有着非常诱人的应用前景,多年来一直吸引着国内外众多研究者的兴趣。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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