How often have callow youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks . 我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。
He was only a callow youth 他只是个无经验的年轻人。
I believed a lot of things in my callow youth that i don ' t believe now 在我年轻尚无经验时相信的许多事情,现在我不相信了。
Callow flotation cell 卡路型浮选槽
Thin - walled cells of callow stirpe ' s cortex contain saliferous vacuoles , and pulp cells contain crystals 幼茎皮层薄壁细胞中含有含盐液泡泡,髓细胞中含有晶体。
On august 27th a cabinet shuffle replaced mr abe ' s callow band of brothers with a team of ldp heavies 在8月27日的内阁调整中一帮党内强势人物替代了安倍年轻的班底。
The fastest growth in chinese exports to europe had been in mechanical and electrical machinery , mr callow added 中国对欧出口增长最快的领域是机电设备,卡洛补充说道。
On august 27th a cabinet shuffle replaced mr abe ' s callow band of brothers with a team of ldp heavies 8月27日,安倍曾改组内阁,用一帮自民党的元老代替了他那一票初出茅庐的兄弟。
On august 27th a cabinet shuffle replaced mr abe ' s callow band of brothers with a team of ldp heavies 8月27日,一次内阁的洗牌将安倍羽翼未丰的“兄弟连”换成了自民党的重量级人物。
Most of callow stirpes are developed into assimilative branches . there is a thick layer of palisade tissue under the epidermis 幼茎多发育为同化枝,表皮下有一层较厚的栅栏组织。