Comparison of the pan - cathaysian orogeny with the caledonian and pan - african orogenies 与加里东和泛非造山作用的对比
The caledonian canal 金狮运河
Caledonian convergent transformation and metallogenetic response in the north qilian mountains 北祁连山加里东期聚敛作用的构造转换及其成矿响应
Caledonian movement made the researched area exposed to the air and was eroded more than 100 million years 加里东运动使研究区暴露地表,遭受风化剥蚀长达100ma以上。
From 1976 to 1980 , mr brown lectured at edinburgh university and then caledonian university 从1976年至1980年期间,布朗先生先后在爱丁堡大学和喀里多尼亚大学担任讲师。
Rangea broad : east africa to northern south china sea , japan , indonesia , australia and new caledonian 国外分布:东非至南海北部,日本,印度尼西亚,澳大利亚,新喀利多尼亚。
The area was wholly uplifted with caledonian orogeny in the early palaeozoic , and underwent thereafter denudation 早古生代以来,加里东运动使本区全面上升,同时遭受剥蚀。
Judging for characterstics of geochemical and structural environment of several caledonian granitoids in northeast guangxi 桂东北地区几个加里东期花岗岩体的地球化学特征及其构造环境判别
The results indicate that both caledonian basins in north and east guangxi evolved from fracturing to closure 结果表明,桂北、桂东加里东期盆地演化均经历了从拉张裂解到挤压闭合的完整过程。
Consuming the equivalent of two cans of soft drink can boost memory retention by a fifth and combat dementia in older people , found neuroscientists from glasgow caledonian university 的神经学家们发现,每天喝下约两罐碳酸饮料就能使记忆力提高五分之一。
Caledonian is a geographical term used to refer to places, species, or items in or from Scotland, or particularly the Scottish Highlands. It derives from Caledonia, the Roman name for the area of modern Scotland.
caledonianとは意味:Càl?e? dó?ni? an [-?n] 【形】古代スコットランドの;〔地〕カレドニア造山期の. ━【名】