" there , - that calash filled with roman peasants . “那儿,那辆满载着罗马农民的低轮马车。 ”
And he threw himself back in the calash , not this time to sleep , but to think 于是他便往背垫上一靠,但这一次可不是睡觉而是动脑筋了。
An hour after they stepped into their calash , both dressed in feminine attire 一小时以后,她们都穿戴着女子的衣服跨进她们的四轮马车。
Down in the calash nana was almost dancing with impatience , while zoe , in her annoyance at having left paris in such a hurry , sat stiffly sulking beside her 娜娜坐在马车里,高兴得坐立不安而佐爱则不然,还在为匆匆忙忙地离开巴黎而怄气呢,她直撅撅地坐在里面,面色阴郁。
He was luxuriously stretched in a good english calash , with double springs ; he was drawn by four good horses , at full gallop ; he knew the relay to be at a distance of seven leagues 他现在舒舒服服地躺在一辆华丽的英国马车里,身下有双重弹簧座垫,由四匹好马拉着车子疾驶。他知道离前面的驿站只有二十哩路了。
La mignotte was more than three leagues away from the station , and nana lost a good hour over the hire of a carriage , a huge , dilapidated calash , which rumbled slowly along to an accompaniment of rattling old iron 娜娜花了一个小时才雇到一辆马车,那是一辆破旧的敞篷四轮马车,车速很慢,车轮发出哐当哐当的声音。
Once the cab was also passed by a calash rapidly whirled along by two post - horses . " ah , " said cavalcanti to himself , " if i only had that britzska , those two good post - horses , and above all the passport that carries them on ! 卡瓦尔康蒂心里对他自己说, “要是我有了那辆四轮马车,那两匹善奔跑的快马,尤其是,那辆马车上的人所带的护照,那就太好啦! ”
Albert was right ; the fair unknown had resolved , doubtless , to carry the intrigue no farther ; for although the young men made several more turns , they did not again see the calash , which had turned up one of the neighboring streets 阿尔贝说得不错,那位无名情人无疑的已决定当天不再出什么新花样,那两个年轻人虽然又兜了几个圈子,他们却再也看不到那辆低轮马车了,大概它已转到附近别的街上去了。
Anticipating your wishes , i have desired the same horses you came with to be put to one of my carriages , and ali , he whom you think so very ugly , " continued he , addressing the boy with a smiling air , " will have the honor of driving you home , while your coachman remains here to attend to the necessary repairs of your calash 我已吩咐把那两匹拉您来的马套在了我的车子上,并叫阿里,也就是你认为长得太丑的那个人, ”他面带微笑对那孩子说道, “赶车送你们回家,而您的车夫则暂时留在这儿,照料修理您的车子。
About two o clock the following day a calash , drawn by a pair of magnificent english horses , stopped at the door of monte cristo and a person , dressed in a blue coat , with buttons of a similar color , a white waistcoat , over which was displayed a massive gold chain , brown trousers , and a quantity of black hair descending so low over his eyebrows as to leave it doubtful whether it were not artificial so little did its jetty glossiness assimilate with the deep wrinkles stamped on his features - a person , in a word , who , although evidently past fifty , desired to be taken for not more than forty , bent forwards from the carriage door , on the panels of which were emblazoned the armorial bearings of a baron , and directed his groom to inquire at the porter s lodge whether the count of monte cristo resided there , and if he were within 第二天下午两点钟,一辆低轮马车,由两匹健壮的英国马拉着,停在了基督山的门前。车门的嵌板上绘着一套男爵的武器图案,一个人从车门里探出半个身子来,吩咐他的马夫到门房里去问一下基督山伯爵是否住在这儿,是否在家。这个人穿着一件蓝色的上衣,上衣的纽扣也是蓝色的,一件白色的背心,背心上挂着一条粗金链子,棕色的裤子,头发很黑,在前额上垂得很低,几乎覆盖了他的眉毛,尤其是,这一头漆黑油亮的头发和那刻在他脸上的深深的皱纹极不相称,很使人怀疑那是假发。