Probing into the reasons of rose introducing christianity of byzantium 罗斯引进拜占廷基督教原因探微
The “ silk route ” linking byzantium with china ran through it 连通中国和拜占庭的“丝绸之路”正经过这里。
5 playable factions ? kingdom of jerusalem , principality of antioch , egypt , turks , byzantium 5个可选派系-耶路撒冷王国,安提俄克公国,埃及,土耳其,拜占庭。
She presents byzantium as a vibrant , dynamic , cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology 她提出,拜占庭是一个生机勃勃,充满活力的世界主义本体,不知何故,摆脱了其官方意识形态的束缚。
It ' s 1174 and the kingdom of jerusalem and principality of the antioch are united in their struggle for the holy land against egypt , the turks and byzantium 这是1174年,耶路撒冷王国和安提俄克公国为了圣地联合起来,努力对抗埃及,土耳其和拜占庭。
Constantine the great becomes emperor of rome , and moves the capital to byzantium ( constantinople ) . he also makes christianity the official religion of the roman world 君士坦丁大帝成为罗马皇帝,迁移首都到拜占庭(君士坦丁堡) 。他使天主教成为罗马世界的法定宗教。
Shirac visited the museum of qin terracotta warriors again on november 5 , 1991 . he wrote in the visitors book : " my second visit again confirms the terracotta warriors as the eighth wonder in the world s cultural heritage . for its ancient history and culture , xi an could well match the four other ancient capitals athens , rome , byzantium and babylon . 1991年11月5日,希拉克第二次到秦俑博物馆参观,在留言中他再次肯定了十余年前的提法: “这次参观兵马俑,再次证实了它是世界文化遗产第八奇迹,它的悠久历史文化和实力,完全可以和四大古都即雅典罗马拜占庭巴比伦相媲美。 ”
Byzantium (; , Byzántion) was the ancient Greek city on the site that later became Constantinople (modern Istanbul). It was founded by Greek colonists from Megara in 657 BC.