

  • virus]牛病毒性腹泻病毒
  • 牛簿性腹泻簿



  • 例句与用法
  • So the molecular cloning and sequence identification of bvdv e2 gene has important biological significance which has it convenient to be used
    因此,对bvdve _ 2基因进行克隆具有重要的生物学意义。
  • Besides clinically observed diarrhea , it frequently causes fever , oral , ulceration , caugh , leukemia and persistent infection in some cases
    Bvdv基因组包括一个正的单链rna ,编码所有的结构蛋白和复制成分。
  • Bovine viral diarrhea virus ( bvdv ) , a pestivirus , is the causative agent of bovine viral diarrhea - mucosal disease in cattle throughout the world
    牛病毒性腹泻病毒( bvdv ) ,是世界范围内导致产生牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病的瘟病毒属病原。
  • It builds a certain methods on biological study of e2 gene by this expriment through designing primer meticulously and cloning of envelope glycoprotein gene e2
    本实验通过引物设计及bvdv囊膜糖蛋白e _ 2基因的克隆,为e _ 2基因的进一步分子生物学分析及亚克隆奠定了的基础。
  • The bvdv nadl strain is cytopathogenic . searching fromgenbank several cp strains " sequence of e2 gene about deer - n21 , sh9 , newyork - i and so on were found . according to the homologous sequence they were designed and synthesised a pair of primers by the biology software primer 5 and added bal i and nco i site to the 5 " end which can be used for the application of e2 gene and subcloning
    从genbank中搜寻出deer - n _ ( 21 ) 、 sh9 、 newyork -等cp型毒株的e _ 2基因序列,根据其同源性用生物学软件primer5设计引物,并在引物的两端加入bal和nco两个酶切位点,酶切位点的存在易于对e _ 2基因进行克隆操作。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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