Miss sophy was a fresh, good-humoured, buxom girl of twenty . 莎菲亚小姐年方二十岁,是一个鲜妍、和善、活泼的姑娘。
He sprang to his feet, and pushed the woman, a buxom person of about thirty, from him . 他一下子蹦了起来,把那个三十来岁的胖女人推到一边。
Charlie sat in a gloomy agency and talked to a cross bearnaise and to a buxom breton peasant . 查理坐在一家阴暗的介绍所里,跟一个性情暴躁的贝亚内斯人和一个健壮的布列塔尼农民谈了话。
The good-looking buxom woman, betwixt forty and fifty, was now a fat, red-faced, old dam of seventy, or thereabouts . 她原是个好看的丰满的妇女,四十来岁;现在却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。
The chief operator, a buxom lady of forty or so with a heavy southern accent, brightened when pug mentioned lacouture . 总接线员是个四十岁左右,南方口音很重的长得丰满的女人。帕格提到拉古秋时,她神情就活泼起来了。
The spaniard has it that a buxom widow must be either married , buried , or shut up in a convent 按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。
The spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married , buried , or shut up in a convent 按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予以埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。
A strapper - a real strapper , jane : big , brown , and buxom ; with hair just such as the ladies of carthage must have had “一个体魄强壮的女人十足的强壮女人,简。高高的个子,褐色的皮肤,丰满的胸部,迦太基女人大概会有的头发。
Indeed , it is easy to imagine some sad fellow spending the morning pretending to be a polyglot professor on wikipedia , and then becoming a buxom red - head on “ second life ” , a virtual online world , in the afternoon 毫无疑问地,这非常容易让人想象到在维基上的某些可悲的家伙上午自称为通晓数种语言的教授,下午在第二生活? ?一在线虚拟世界? ?就变成健康丰满的红发人。
In each of the sisters there was one trait of the mother - and only one ; the thin and pallid elder daughter had her parent s cairngorm eye : the blooming and luxuriant younger girl had her contour of jaw and chin - perhaps a little softened , but still imparting an indescribable hardness to the countenance , otherwise so voluptuous and buxom 姐妹两人各自都保留了母亲的一个特征只有一个。瘦削苍白的姐姐有着她母亲的烟晶宝石色眸子,而生气勃勃的妹妹却承继了母亲颏骨和下巴的轮廓也许要柔和一点,但使她的面容透出一种难以描摹的冷峻,要不然这会是一个十分妖艳美丽的脸蛋。
(of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous ; "a generation ago...buxom actresses were popular"- Robt.A.Hamilton; 同义词:zaftig, zoftig,