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  • 例句与用法
  • Catalytic synthesis of butanone glycol ketal with phosphowolframic acid
  • The measure and correlation of solubility of l - malic acid in acetone and 2 - butanone
  • Workplace air - determination of butanone - direct injection gas chromatographic method
  • Worplace air - determination of butanone - solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
  • Workplace air - determination of butanone - solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
  • Evocating agent 0 . 8 - 2 2 - butanone peroxide liquid 1 . 5 - 4 if cyclohexanone peroxide paste is used
    引发剂过氧化甲乙酮液0 . 82份若过氧化环己酮糊1 . 5 - 4份
  • Producer of synthetic fiber precursors , including cyclohexanone , cyclohexane , cyclohexanol , caprolactam , hydroxylamine , ammonium sulfate , and butanone oxime . located in china
  • Eighteen compounds in the oil were identified by g c / ms . they are : seven ketone compounds : 2 - undecanone , 6 , 10 - dimethy , 1 - cyclohexanol - l - butanone , 2 , 5 - hexanedione , 2 ( 4h ) - benzofuranone , 5 , 6 , 7 , 7 , a - tetrahydro - 4 , 4 , 7a - trimethyl , 3 - buten - 2 - one , 4 - ( 2 , 6 , 6 - trimethyl - 1 - cyclohex en - 1 - yl ) - , ( e ) , 6 - dodecanone , 3 - buten - 2 - one , 4 - ( 2 , 6 , 6 - trimethyl - 7 - oxabicycl o4 . 1 . 0hept - l - yl ) ; three alcoholic compounds : a - terpineol . benzyl alcoho 1 , phytol ; two alkyl and acyl amine components : undecane , tetradecane and hydrazinecarboxamide , n , n - diphenyl - , acetamidobenzene ; one ester , a idehyde , alkyne and acid : butanoic acid : 2 - propenyl ester , 1 - octadecyne , 1 - octadecyne , palmitic acid
    三甲基一7一氧双环p , l , 0庚烷基什丁烯酮上;醇3种:苯甲醇、 a松油醇、 3 , 7 , 11 , 15十六烯2醇1 ;烷2种:十一烷、十四烷;酚胺2种:姘基甲酚h苯胺、乙酞苯胺;酯、醛、炔、和酸备是1种:丁酸烯丙酯、十八碳醛、十八炔、十六碳酸。
  • 英文解释
  • colorless soluble flammable liquid ketone used as a solvent for resins and as a paint remover and in lacquers and cements and adhesives and cleaning fluids and celluloid
    同义词:methyl ethyl ketone,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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