They have tucked it safe among the bulrushes 她们把它妥藏在宽叶香蒲从中了。
Ketty ' s wing had hurt before because of the bulrush 派瑞衔起些鱼,开始了他们的迁徙之旅。
Yeah , and that ' s where the queen found them in the bulrushes 是,就是在那里的芦苇中,王后发现了他们
There will be no work for egypt which its head or tail , its palm branch or bulrush , may do 赛19 : 15埃及中、无论是头与尾、棕枝与芦苇、所作之工、都不成就。
So the lord cuts off head and tail from israel , both palm branch and bulrush in a single day 赛9 : 14因此、耶和华一日之间、必从以色列中剪除头与尾、棕枝与芦苇。
He handed her back the single sock he was supposed to be identifying , which was patterned with golden bulrushes 他把那只要他认领的袜子递给她。袜子上绣有金色的香蒲。
Helophyte a perennial marsh plant that has its overwintering buds under water . an example is bulrush ( typha ) 沼生植物:多年生的沼泽植物,具有水下越冬芽。例如芦苇(香蒲) 。
By the nilebank the babemaries kneel , cradle of bulrushes : a man supple in combat : stonehorned , stonebearded , heart of stone 格斗起来矫健敏捷213的男子。长着一对石角214 ,一副石须,一颗石心。
The bulrushes by the nile , by the edge of the nile and all the sown fields by the nile will become dry , be driven away , and be no more 赛19 : 7靠尼罗河旁的草田、并沿尼罗河所种的田、都必枯乾、庄稼被风吹去、归于无有。
When she could keep him hidden no longer , rather than deliver him to be killed , she set him adrift on the nile river in a small craft of bulrushes coated in pitch 在她无法隐藏他的时候,她把他放在芦苇搭成的小舟上,还涂上了一层树脂,让他在尼罗河上漂浮。
tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa 同义词:cat''s-tail, bullrush, nailrod, reed mace, reedmace, Typha latifolia,
Bulrush or bullrush is the common name of a variety of wetland plants, typically in the sedge family (Cyperaceae). The name is particularly applied to the sedge family genera Bolboschoenus, Cyperus, Scirpus, and Schoenoplectus.