Was she going to try to bulldoze him into submission ? 她是否要逼使他屈服呢?
He bulldozed his idea through all opposition . 他不顾一切反对,使自己的意见强行通过。
Don't let him bulldoze you . 别任凭他摆布你。
The teacher comes, in every case, not to bulldoze the man . 这位教师来了之后决不会恐吓这个人。
His normal style when confronted with an obstacle was to bulldoze it into submission . 在前进的道路上碰到障碍时,他通常的做法是铲平障碍,继续前进。
Instead of bulldozing off the clay and exposing the rock, drilling was carried out through the clay and the rock by the use of special equipment . 在这里使用特殊设备穿入土层和基岩中进行钻眼,以取代常规的清除掉淤泥层使基岩外露的施工方法。
The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路
You just bulldoze your way into english language 你不要怕这怕那,大胆地学你的英语吧。
I hear he ' s gonna bulldoze it to the ground 我听说他将要用推土机推平那里
They bulldoze him into signing the contract 他们强行使他签署这个契约。
bulldozeとは意味:bulldoze v. ブルドーザーでならす; 《口語》 おどす; 《口語》 強引に押し通す. 【副詞1】 ◆The squatters' houses were bulldozed away. 不法占拠者たちの家はブルドーザーで運び去られた. 【副詞2】 ◆The houses were bulldozed down and the bricks sold. その家はブルドーザーで打ち倒され, ...