

  • 苯并噻二唑
  • 空尖艇尾型弹头
  • 英国汤姆森休斯敦公司



  • 例句与用法
  • Press your phone ' s bluetooth connection on and choose the paired bth
  • Gus expression in the transgenic tobacco was induced by exogenous applied sa and bth , and the expression pattern showed that : 1
    用sa和bth处理转基因烟草植株诱导gus基因的表达,结果表明: 1
  • Turn on your bth by press the earpiece button for about 2 ~ 3 sec , and it will startup and flash in blue
    开启蓝芽耳机,按蓝芽耳机上耳筒侧边按钮约3 ~ 4秒后,耳筒使会发出一声短的哔声,而耳机同时闪著"蓝"色的准备灯号
  • Ater the phone searched the bth , it will show the device name . you choose the correct device and input " 0000 " as the pairing code
    当手机找到蓝芽耳机后,会显示该蓝芽耳机的名称或代号,这时选择该蓝芽耳机及确定.跟著,手机会显示输入配对号,于手机按" 0000 "及确定
  • Bth had a higher efficiency to induce gus expression than sa indicated by gus staining strength and had no phytotoxicity to plant within effective concentration . 5
    化学诱导剂bth的诱导效率高于sa ,且在有效诱导浓度范围内对植株没有生理毒性或所产生的生理毒性难以从表象观察到。
  • 2 . specific mutation from a to c at - 137 bp site upstream from transcription start point had no effect on the inducibility of the promoter in response to sa and bth . 3
  • Systemic gus expression was induced 15 days after bth treatment and the gus activity was still detectable 25 days later . 7 . induced gus expression was bth dose - dependent under 1 . 2 mm
  • Gus expression induced by bth was systemic and had been detected in leaf , sepal , anther and mature pollen of transgenic tobacco plants , while induction effects of sa was spatial - temporally limited . 6
    Bth能系统诱导pr - 1a野生型启动子驱动gus基因在转基因植株的叶、花药、萼片及成熟花粉中表达,而sa的诱导作用则具有某种时空局限性。
  • One of these pr genes , pr - la , responds not only to avirulent pathogen , but also to some chemicals , such as sa ( salicylic acid ) and bth ( benzothiadiazole ) etc . , and the responding ability to the inducers is controlled by its promoter
    其中一个pr基因pr - 1a ,不仅受病原菌诱导,而且受一些化学剂如sa 、 bth等化学剂的诱导,其诱导应答由其启动子控制,因此pr - 1a启动子可以应用于植物化学诱导系统中。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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