闲游浪荡 dissipated | 闲田 vacant field | 闲着不干事他可受不了 He can't bear idleness. not ... | 闲着无事 be at leisure | 闲着无聊 be tired of doing nothing | 闲磕牙 gossip about nonsense | 闲空 free time | 闲章 an unofficial personal seal,... | 闲置 leave unused | 闲置不用 lay aside | 闲置人员 idle hand | 闲置折旧 shelf depreciation | 闲置机器 idle machines | 闲置资金 idle fund | 闲聊 chat | 闲聊琐事 have a good gossip on trivia... | 闲职 an official post with very l... | 闲花野草 promiscuous women | 闲荡 stroll | 闲言闲语 sarcastic remarks | 闲话 chat | 闲话少说 Cut the cackle! | 闲话当年 chat about bygone days | 闲谈 chat | 闲适 leisurely and comfortable |
| 闲逛 saunter | 闲逸 leisurely | 闲邪存诚 restrain vicious and foster ... | 闲钱 spare cash | 闲雅 refined | 闳 lane door a surname | 闳中肆外 profound idea and a good sty... | 闳夭 Hong Yao | 间 between | 间不容发 not a hair's breadth in betw... | 间不容息 in a split second | 间伐 intermediate cuttings | 间伐强度 intensity of intermediate cu... | 间位 meta-position | 间位定向 metaorientation | 间位衍生物 meta-derivative | 间作 intercropping | 间作作物 interculture | 间作套种 intercropping | 间发故障 intermittent fault | 间发错误 intermittent error | 间壁 next door | 间奏曲 intermezzo | 间层 lit-par-lit | 间广 Jian Guang |