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缩水率 shrinkage
缩率 shrinkage
缩瞳 miosis
缩瞳中枢 pupillo-constrictor center
缩瞳剂 miotic
缩瞳药 myotic
缩短 shorten
缩短假期 curtail one's holidays
缩短制作过程 shorten the process of manuf...
缩短基本建设 curtailing capital construct...
缩短妇女退休年限 move up the retirement age f...
缩短学制 shorten the period of school...
缩短工作时间 shorten hours
缩短差距 narrow the gap
缩短恢复周期 shorten the period of conval...
缩短战线 contract the front
缩短时间 shorten the time
缩短篇幅 cut down the number of pages
缩短距离 reduce the distance
缩短路程 shorten the route
缩砂密 Amomum xanthioides
缩绒 fulling milling
缩绒剂 fulling agent
缩绒厂 fulling mill
缩绒厚呢 box cloth
缩绒工 fuller
缩绒机 fulling mill
缩绒织物 milled cloth
缩绒车间 fullery
缩编 cut down on staff number
缩编本 abridged edition
缩聚 polycondensation
缩聚度 degree of polycondensation
缩聚染料 condensation dye
缩聚物 polycondensate
缩衣节食 economize on clothing and fo...
缩高 Suo Gao
a surname
缪平 Miao Ping
缪毐 Lao Ai
缪见 "绸缪"
reel silk from cocoons
缫丝 silk reeling
缫丝下脚 knabs
缫丝厂 reeling mill
缫丝回丝 bur
缫丝工人 reeler
缫丝机 reeling machine
缫丝锅 reeling basin
figured silk fabrics
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