饮酒误事 Liquor caused delay in one's... |
饮酒赋诗 drink and write poems |
饮酒赏乐 feast and enjoy music |
饮酒赏花 drink wine and look at the f... |
饮酒过多会伤害身体 Excessive drinking is harmfu... |
饮酒过度 drink to excess |
饮酒过量 drink beyond one's capacity |
饮醇自醉 a fascinating character |
饮风餐露 take in wind and eat dew -- ... |
饮食 food and drink |
饮食不当 improper diet |
饮食不进 can neither eat nor drink |
饮食业 catering trade occupation |
饮食习惯 dietary habit |
饮食俱废 reject all nourishment |
饮食卫生 dietetic hygiene |
饮食失调 ailment caused by an unbalan... |
饮食学 dietetics |
饮食学家 dietitian |
饮食定时 have one's meals at regular ... |
饮食工业 food and beverage industry |
饮食店 eating house |
饮食文化 cooking culture |
饮食无味 distaste for food |
饮食无度 excessive eating and drinkin... |