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长罩衫 slop
长老 elder elder of a Buddhist mo...
长老会 Presbyterian Church
长老派 Presbyterian
长者 elder
长膘 get fat
长臂猿 gibbon
长舌 fond of gossip
长舌妇 a loquacious woman
长蛇阵 single-line battle array
长街乞讨 beg about the streets
长衫 long gown
长袍 robe
长袖 long sleeves
长袖善舞 Long sleeves are an advantag...
长裙 longuette
长裤 trousers
长裤套装 pantsuit
长见识 widen one's knowledge
长角牛 longhorn ox
长角羚 gemsbok
长话 a long-distance call
长话交换机 toll telephone switching sys...
长话厅 long-distance telephone hall
长话局 toll telephone office
长话短说 make short of long
长话网 toll telephone network
长豇豆 asparagus bean
长财善贾 Ample capital makes it easy ...
长货挂车 pole trailers
长足 by leaps and bounds
长跑 long-distance race
长跑比赛 long-distance race
长跑练习 roadwork
长距离 long haul
长距离赛跑 a long-distance race
长距离输电 long distance power transmis...
长距离通话 long-distance call
长跨桥 long span bridges
长跨距平地机 long-span land smoother
长轴 major axis
长辈 the older generation
长达一个月的劳资纠纷 a month-old labour dispute
长进 progress
长远 long-term
长远之计 a long plan for the future
长远决策 long-term policy decision
长远利益 long-term interests
长远目标 long-range objective
长远规划 a long-term plan
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