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饭量小 have a poor appetite
饭钱我会过了 I've paid for the meal. be l...
饭铺 restaurant
饭锅 pot for cooking rice
饭食 food
饭馆 restaurant
饮一杯苦酒 drink a bitter cup
饮人以和 treat others with kindness
饮冰茹檗 drink ice water and eat the ...
饮刃而死 take one's own life by means...
饮场 drink water to moisten one's...
饮子 a decoction of Chinese medic...
饮尽 drink off
饮弹 be hit by a bullet
饮弹毕命 die of a bullet shot
饮弹而亡 die of a hit by bullet
饮弹身亡 be killed by a bullet
饮恨 nurse a grievance
饮恨吞声 nurse a grievance and gulp d...
饮恨终身 harbor hatred all one's life
饮恨而终 die unavenged
饮料 drink
饮料酒 liquor
饮水 drinking water
饮水不忘掘井人 When you drink the water,thi...
饮水器 waterer
饮水思源 When one drinks water,one mu...
饮水槽 watering trough
饮水池 watering place
饮泣 weep in silence
饮泣吞声 swallow one's tears
饮流怀源 gratitude for the source of ...
饮液作用 hydrophagocytosis
饮片 prepared herbal medicine in ...
饮用水 drinking water
饮茶 drink tea
饮茶休息 tea break
饮茶聊天 talk over a cup of tea
饮茶进点 have tea and snacks
饮茶饼干 tea biscuit
饮誉 enjoy popularity
饮誉南北 enjoy popularity north and s...
饮酒 drink
饮酒不多 be a little drinker
饮酒作乐 be regaling oneself with win...
饮酒取乐 drink and make merry
饮酒和赌博使他彻底堕落了 Drinking and gambling sank h...
饮酒是他的死因 Drinking was the death of hi...
饮酒解愁 drown one's sorrows in wine
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