缝补 sew and mend | 缝补浆洗 mend and wash one's clothes | 缝补衣服 mend clothes | 缝补衬衫上的破洞 mend a hole in a shirt | 缝袋 bagging | 缝袋机 bag closer | 缝边 tape edge | 缝边不良 bad selvedge sewing | 缝边器 edge-stitcher | 缝边附件 blinders | 缝连补缀 mend and darn patch up | 缝隙 kiss | 缝隙板牙 split die | 缝隙模头挤塑 slot extrusion | 缝隙碎裂 joint spalling | 缝隙铲 split shovel | 缟 a kind of thin white silk us... | 缟状云 fumulus | 缟状卷云 cirro-velum | 缟狸 zebra civet cat | 缟玉髓 strip jasper | 缟玛瑙 onyx | 缟素 white mourning dress | 缟臂鲸 lesser rorqual | 缠 twine |
| 缠住 entangle | 缠头布 madras handkerchief | 缠手 troublesome | 缠扎法 ligation therapy | 缠线轴 wind thread onto a reel | 缠结 tangle | 缠结根 tangleroot | 缠结物 twine | 缠绕 twine | 缠绵 lingering | 缠绵悱恻 a sad and sentimental | 缠绵病榻 be bedridden with a lingerin... | 缠谊 Chan Yi | 缠足 foot-binding | 缠身 be delayed | 缠门缠户 be a persistent bother at th... | 缡 bridal veil | 缢 hang | 缢断形成 abstriction | 缢痕 constriction | 缣 fine silk | 缤纷 in riotous profusion | 缤纷天地 a colourful world | 缥 light blue light-blue silk | 缥缈 dimly discernible |