饭厅 dining hall |
饭厅管理员 pantryman |
饭吃完后没剩下什么 No food has been left over a... |
饭后茶余 after meal hours or in leisu... |
饭后闲谈 sit around gossiping after d... |
饭团子 rice ball |
饭局 a dinner party |
饭已经熟了 The rice is done. processed |
饭庄 restaurant |
饭店 hotel restaurant |
饭得了 Dinner is ready. |
饭来张口 eat a ready-cooked meal |
饭桌 dining table |
饭桶 rice bucket big eater fathea... |
饭烧焦了 The rice is burning. |
饭煳了 The rice is burnt. |
饭盒 lunch-box |
饭碗 rice bowl job |
饭票 meal ticket |
饭糗茹草 eat dry bread or grass -- to... |
饭菜 meal |
饭菜喷香 The dishes smell delicious. |
饭菜馊了 The food has spoiled. |
饭量 appetite |
饭量大 have a good appetite |