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机床制造业 machine-tool industry
机床厂 machine tool plant
机床工业 machine tool industry
机心 a mind given to deception or...
机房 generator room
机敏 alert and resourceful
机敏的谈话 a clever speech
机断 act on one's own judgment in...
机断行事 act promptly at one's own di...
机智 quick-witted
机智勇敢 be resourceful and brave
机智勇敢的侦察兵 brave and resourceful scouts
机智沉着 cool and resourceful
机智的人 a man of resource
机杼 loom conception
机构 guest-host mechanism
机构不健全 organizationally imperfect
机构庞大 an unwieldy organization
机构庞杂 cumbersome administrative st...
机构精干 organization's compactness
机构膨胀 bloated organizational struc...
机构臃肿 inflated departments
机构重叠 organizational overlapping
机枪 machine gun
机枪冒出火舌 A tongue of fire bursts.
机枪嗒嗒地响个不停 The machine guns rattled awa...
机枪射手 machine gunner
机枪手 machine gunner
机枪格格地响个不停 The machine gun rattled away...
机械 machinery
机械人 robot
机械传动 mechanical drive
机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration
机械制图 mechanical drafting
机械制造 machinofacture
机械制造厂 engineering works
机械制造工业 machine building industry
机械力学 mechanics of machinery
机械功 mechanical work a surname
机械功率 mechanical output
机械加工 machining
机械加工留量 stock allowance
机械加工车间 engineering shop
机械动力 machine power
机械动力学 dynamics of machinery
机械化 mechanize
机械化农业 mechanized agriculture
机械化喷灌 mechanized spray irrigation
机械化情报检索 mechanized information retri...
机械化程度较高的县 counties with a relatively h...
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