机床制造业 machine-tool industry |
机床厂 machine tool plant |
机床工业 machine tool industry |
机心 a mind given to deception or... |
机房 generator room |
机敏 alert and resourceful |
机敏的谈话 a clever speech |
机断 act on one's own judgment in... |
机断行事 act promptly at one's own di... |
机智 quick-witted |
机智勇敢 be resourceful and brave |
机智勇敢的侦察兵 brave and resourceful scouts |
机智沉着 cool and resourceful |
机智的人 a man of resource |
机杼 loom conception |
机构 guest-host mechanism |
机构不健全 organizationally imperfect |
机构庞大 an unwieldy organization |
机构庞杂 cumbersome administrative st... |
机构精干 organization's compactness |
机构膨胀 bloated organizational struc... |
机构臃肿 inflated departments |
机构重叠 organizational overlapping |
机枪 machine gun |
机枪冒出火舌 A tongue of fire bursts. |