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长命富贵 a long life of abundance and...
长命百岁 Many happy returns!
长围巾 rebozo
长城 the Great Wall impregnable b...
长城以内 within the Great Wall
长城以外 beyond the Great Wall
长城内外 both sides of the Great Wall
长城卡 Changcheng card
长城牌 Great Wall brand
长处 forte
长外衣 gown
长外袍 stole
长外裙 hoopskirt
长夜 long night
长夜不寐 lie sleepless all night on o...
长夜难明 the long dark years under th...
长大 grow
长大成为 grow up into...
长大成人 be grown to manhood adult
长大成熟 cut one's eye-teeth
长大线 the Changchun-Dalian Railway
长大衣 redingote
长大货物运输 large and lengthy cargo tran...
长天 the vast of heaven
长头发容易缠结 Long hair tangles easily. en...
长头堎 Changtouleng
长夹具 lazy-tongs
长女 eldest daughter
长嫂敬如母 The wife of elder brother us...
长子 eldest son
长子代父 An elder brother must take h...
长子住在矮檐下 like a tall man standing und...
长子是掌权的人 The elder son is the cook of...
长子继承权 primogeniture
长字 long word
长存 live forever
长孙 son's eldest son
长孙无忌 Zhangsun Wuji
长官 senior officer or official
长官意志 "will of one's superiors"
长宽衬衫 kamis
长寿 long life
长寿之道 the art of prolonging life
长寿命 long-life
长寿命同位素 long-lived isotope
长寿术 macrobiotics
长寿树 hollywood lignumvitae
长寿法 macrobiotics
长寿润滑脂 long-life grease
长寿花 jonquil
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