镦锻 upsetting | 镧 lanthanum | 镧系元素 lanthanon | 镨 praseodymium | 镩 cut or break with an ice pic... | 镩子 ice pick | 镪 a string of copper coins coi... | 镪水 strong acid | 镫 stirrup | 镫形夹 stirrup repair clamp | 镫形物 stirrup | 镫板 jacking stirrup | 镫骨 stape | 镭 radium | 镭化合物 radium compound | 镭同位素 radium isotope | 镭射气 radium emanation | 镭疗 radium therapy | 镭系 radium family | 镭针 radium needle | 镯 bracelet | 镯子 bracelet | 镯礁 ring reef | 镰刀 sickle | 镰刀杆 sickle bar |
| 镰刀菌素 fusarine | 镰形机翼 crescent wing | 镰木 drepanophycus | 镰菌毒素 fusarium toxin | 镰菌生素 fusamarin | 镰菌素 fusarin | 镰鱼 Moorish idol | 镱 ytterbium | 镲 small cymbals | 镳 bit | 镴 solder | 镶 inlay | 镶宝石 set gems | 镶宝石戒指 dinner ring | 镶嵌 inlay | 镶嵌钻石的王冠 a crown mounted with diamond | 镶嵌银丝漆器 silver-inlaid lacquerware | 镶板 panel | 镶牙 put in a false tooth | 镶砌 inlay | 镶花边的衣服 dress trimmed with laces fan... | 镶边 edge piping | 镶饰 frosting | 长 long | 长上 senior |