本杂志五月号将刊载该故事的动人续篇 The May number of the magazi... |
本条例自即日起施行 The regulations come into fo... |
本来 original |
本来就该如此 That's just as it should be. |
本来面目 true colours |
本构关系 constitutive relation |
本构方程 constitutive equations |
本校 our school |
本源 origin |
本片即日上映 The film will be showm withi... |
本生的国民 natural-born national |
本着 in line with |
本着为人民服务的精神 motivated by a desire to ser... |
本着互利的原则 on the principle of mutual b... |
本着互谅互让的精神 in a spirit of mutual unders... |
本着我们一贯的立场 in line with our consistent ... |
本着这一原则 base on the principle |
本神 Benshen |
本票 cashier's cheque |
本票动产抵押 cognovit note |
本科 undergraduate course |
本科生 undergraduate |
本章提要 the summary of this chapter |
本笃会 Ordo Benedictinnorum |
本籍 one's ancestral district one... |