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飞机试航 trial flight
飞机连翻了三个跟头 The plane looped the loop th...
飞机间通信 plane-to-plane communication
飞机须克服空气的阻力 An aircraft has to overcome ...
飞来峰 klippe
飞来横祸 unexpected trouble
飞来艳福 an unexpected romance
飞来飞去 fly round and round
飞檄传诏 deliver an urgent dispatch c...
飞檐 cornice
飞檐走壁 fly over the eaves and run o...
飞步上楼 whisk upstairsⅣ free wheel o...
飞毛腿 fleet-footed fleet-footed ru...
飞毛腿导弹 scud missile
飞沙走石 flying sand and rolling pebb...
飞沫 apatter
飞沫传染 droplet infection
飞涨 soar
飞渡太平洋 fly the Pacific
飞溅 splash
飞溅润滑法 splash lubrication
飞潜走植 birds,fish,animals and plant...
飞瀑 waterfall
飞灰 fly ash
飞灾横祸 unexpected disaster
飞点 flying spot
飞点存储器 flying-spot storage
飞点存储地址 flying-spot store address
飞点扫描 flying-spot scanning
飞白 a style of calligraphy chara...
飞矢 flying arrow excrement
飞短流长 talk behind sb.'s back
飞碟 flying saucer
飞碟学 ufology
飞碟射击 clay-pigeon shooting
飞祸 unexpected calamity unfounde...
飞禽 birds
飞禽走兽 birds and animals
飞篷垢面 dishevelled and dirty
飞絮 willow catkins flying in the...
飞红了脸 The red flew into one's face...
飞羽 remex
飞翔 flight
飞翼 all-wing aircraft
飞翼滑翔运动 kite gliding
飞翼飞机 flying wing aircraft
飞腾 fly swiftly upward
飞舞 dance in the air
飞舟 swift boat
飞航导弹 cruising missile
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