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绿化照明 greenbelt lighting
绿化祖国 cover the country with trees
绿化种植 planting technique
绿化荒山 clothe barren mountains with...
绿化规划 afforestation plan
绿化费 afforestation fees
绿化降噪 greening lowering noise
绿化面积 green space
绿叶 greenery
绿叶成荫 grow branches and scatter le...
绿叶成荫子满枝 Green leaves make a shade an...
绿叶植物 greens
绿叶蔬菜 green vegetable
绿啄木鸟 green woodpecker
绿头巾 green scarf
绿头鸭 mallard
绿如春茵 as green as grass in spring
绿宝石 emerald
绿岛工程 green street island project
绿条款信用证 green clause credit
绿松石 calaite
绿林 forest outlaws
绿林好汉 heroes of the greenwood
绿林豪杰 swordsmen of the Robin Hood ...
绿林起义 the Lulin Uprising
绿枝上闪烁着露珠的光彩 The green boughs glittered w...
绿柱石 aquamarine
绿树成荫 The trees give welcome shade...
绿毛龟 mossback
绿油油 glossy and green
绿油油的麦苗 glossy and green wheat-shoot...
绿泥 green mud
绿泥石 chlorite
绿泥石化 choritization
绿洲 oasis
绿洲国 an oasis state
绿海龟 green turtle
绿灯 green light permission to go...
绿玉 emerald
绿瓦红墙 green tiles and red walls --...
绿皮书 Green Book Green Paper
绿矾 green vitriol
绿竹 Sinocalamus oldhami
绿篱 hedgerow
绿篱修剪刀 hedge clipper
绿篱植物 hedge plant
绿肥 green manure
绿肥红瘦 flourishing leaves and withe...
绿肥轮作 green manuring rotation
绿色 green
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