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未央 Wei Yang
未奸人 non-penetration
未始未始不可 It is not impossible.
未婚 unmarried
未婚夫 fiancé
未婚妻 fiancée
未嫁先寡 a woman who remains unmarrie...
未完 unfinished
未完工程 incompleted engineering
未完待续 to be continued
未完成时 imperfect tense
未完施工 incompleted construction
未定 uncertain
未定界 undefined boundary
未定稿 draft
未实现 unrealized
未实现利润 unrealized profits
未审其详 not know the details
未尝 have not
未尝不可 It's not impossible.
未尝不是 can't say that it is wrong
未尝没有可取之处 not without its merits
未尝见过此人 have never seen the person
未尽人意 be not up to expectations
未尽真空 partial vacuum
未开采的资源 undeveloped natural resource...
未得到回音的信 a letter which brought no re...
未必 can not be sure
未必如此 be not necessarily so
未必尽对 not necessarily all correct
未必尽然 not certainly all like this
未成年 be under age
未成年人 juveniles
未成年人保护法 The Law of the Protection of...
未成年子女 minor children
未成年罪犯 minor offender
未成熟 immaturate
未成熟土 immature soil
未成熟黄麻 flabby
未按无线电射束飞行 off the beam
未敢苟同 beg to disagree with...
未时 the period of the day from 1...
未曾 have not
未曾听说过 never heard of it
未曾开发的自然资源 undeveloped natural resource...
未来 coming
未来三日内将有暴风雪 There will be a storm in thr...
未来世界 future world
未来主义 futurism
未来主义者 futurist
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