风雨同舟 stand together through storm... |
风雨大作 The storm rages. |
风雨大衣 berkan |
风雨如晦 wind and rain sweeping acros... |
风雨密 weather tight |
风雨布 windbar |
风雨无定 A sudden wind is liable to s... |
风雨无阻 stopped by neither wind nor ... |
风雨晦冥 obscured by wind and rain |
风雨檐 forebay |
风雨欲来 A storm is brewing. |
风雨潇潇 the whistling of wind and pa... |
风雨的侵蚀 erosion by wind and rain |
风雨的剥蚀 eroded by weather erosion |
风雨线 weather-proof wire |
风雨萧萧 the whistling of wind and pa... |
风雨行军 march through rain and wind |
风雨连绵 rain continuously |
风雨送春 Wind and rain escort Spring'... |
风雨门 weather door |
风雨防护式电机 weather-protected machine |
风雨飘摇 swaying in the midst of a ra... |
风雨鸡鸣 Fowls crow in the wind and r... |
风雪交加 A snowstorm is raging. |
风雪大衣 anorak |