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风镐 pneumatic pick
风镜 goggles
风门 air door
风闸 pneumatic brake
风闻 learn through hearsay
风闻其事 get wind of the affair
风阀 blast gate
风阻 windage
风阻力 wind resistance
风阻损失 windage loss
风险 risk
风险很大 full of hazard
风险由货主负担 at owner's risk
风险补偿收入 income to compensate for ris...
风险赔偿 indemnity for risk
风障 windbreak
风雅 literary pursuits
风雨 wind and rain
风雨不透 very tight
风雨交作 a storm of wind and rain
风雨交加 It's raining and blowing har...
风雨侵蚀 erosion by wind and rain
风雨停车站 stop shelter
风雨凄其 dejection one feels in time ...
风雨凄凄 windy and rainy
风雨同舟 stand together through storm...
风雨大作 The storm rages.
风雨大衣 berkan
风雨如晦 wind and rain sweeping acros...
风雨密 weather tight
风雨布 windbar
风雨无定 A sudden wind is liable to s...
风雨无阻 stopped by neither wind nor ...
风雨晦冥 obscured by wind and rain
风雨檐 forebay
风雨欲来 A storm is brewing.
风雨潇潇 the whistling of wind and pa...
风雨的侵蚀 erosion by wind and rain
风雨的剥蚀 eroded by weather erosion
风雨线 weather-proof wire
风雨萧萧 the whistling of wind and pa...
风雨行军 march through rain and wind
风雨连绵 rain continuously
风雨送春 Wind and rain escort Spring'...
风雨门 weather door
风雨防护式电机 weather-protected machine
风雨飘摇 swaying in the midst of a ra...
风雨鸡鸣 Fowls crow in the wind and r...
风雪交加 A snowstorm is raging.
风雪大衣 anorak
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