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风筝观测 kite observation
风管 flue pipe
风管接头 blast connection
风管音栓 labial stop
风箱 bellows
风箱散热器 bellows radiator
风紧火猛 The wind presses hard and th...
风纪 conduct and discipline
风纪扣 hook and eye
风纪荡然 Moral standards have disappe...
风肉 air-dried meat rumoured
风胡子 Feng Huzi
风能 wind energy source
风致 charming appearance and beha...
风舞叶落 The wind blows and the leave...
风色 how the wind blows
风色佳丽 bright weather
风花雪月 wind,flower,snow and moon --...
风萧萧 The wind soughs and sighs.
风萧雨淅 Wind is rustling and raindro...
风行 be in fashion
风行一时 be all the rage
风行一时的歌曲 a hit song
风行于世 popular among the people
风行草偃 Where the wind passes,the gr...
风衣 windbreak
风言风语 slanderous gossip
风调雨顺 The wind and rain come in th...
风谣 folk rhyme
风貌 style and features
风起云涌 be raging like a storm
风趣 humour
风趣幽默 have a fine sense of humour
风趣横生 sauced with wit
风车 windmill
风转天晴 The wind turned and the skyc...
风过浪平 The wind passed and the wave...
风送花香 The breeze wafted the fresh ...
风选机 fan
风逐渐停了 The wind died away.
风速 wind speed
风采 elegant demeanour
风采不减当年 as good-looking as ever
风采依然 One's elegance remains as be...
风采动人 cut quite a figure
风采韵秀 of a most refined and prepos...
风里雨里 in wind and rain
风量 blowing rate
风铲 pneumatic digger
风锤 pneumatic hammer
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