风筝观测 kite observation |
风管 flue pipe |
风管接头 blast connection |
风管音栓 labial stop |
风箱 bellows |
风箱散热器 bellows radiator |
风紧火猛 The wind presses hard and th... |
风纪 conduct and discipline |
风纪扣 hook and eye |
风纪荡然 Moral standards have disappe... |
风肉 air-dried meat rumoured |
风胡子 Feng Huzi |
风能 wind energy source |
风致 charming appearance and beha... |
风舞叶落 The wind blows and the leave... |
风色 how the wind blows |
风色佳丽 bright weather |
风花雪月 wind,flower,snow and moon --... |
风萧萧 The wind soughs and sighs. |
风萧雨淅 Wind is rustling and raindro... |
风行 be in fashion |
风行一时 be all the rage |
风行一时的歌曲 a hit song |
风行于世 popular among the people |
风行草偃 Where the wind passes,the gr... |