风浪失速 speed loss in wave |
风浪穴 blowhole |
风浪等级 seakeeping |
风浪耐受性 seakeeping |
风浪谱 wind wave spectra |
风淳俗美 pure and excellent usages |
风清弊绝 all the malpractices have be... |
风清月朗 The breeze is light |
风清气爽 The breeze is light,and the ... |
风湿 rheumatism |
风湿嵭心脏病 rheumatic heart disease |
风湿性 rheumatic |
风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis |
风湿性心内膜炎 rheumatic endocarditis |
风湿性心包炎 rheumatic pericarditis |
风湿性心肌炎 rheumatic myocarditis |
风湿性心脏炎 rheumatic carditis |
风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease |
风湿性精神病 rheumatic psychiatric diseas... |
风湿性腮腺炎 rheumoparotitis |
风湿热 rheumatic fever |
风湿疹 rheumatid |
风湿病 rheumatism |
风湿病学 rheumatology |
风湿病学家 rheumatologist |