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风浪失速 speed loss in wave
风浪穴 blowhole
风浪等级 seakeeping
风浪耐受性 seakeeping
风浪谱 wind wave spectra
风淳俗美 pure and excellent usages
风清弊绝 all the malpractices have be...
风清月朗 The breeze is light
风清气爽 The breeze is light,and the ...
风湿 rheumatism
风湿嵭心脏病 rheumatic heart disease
风湿性 rheumatic
风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis
风湿性心内膜炎 rheumatic endocarditis
风湿性心包炎 rheumatic pericarditis
风湿性心肌炎 rheumatic myocarditis
风湿性心脏炎 rheumatic carditis
风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease
风湿性精神病 rheumatic psychiatric diseas...
风湿性腮腺炎 rheumoparotitis
风湿热 rheumatic fever
风湿疹 rheumatid
风湿病 rheumatism
风湿病学 rheumatology
风湿病学家 rheumatologist
风湿病患者 rheumatisant
风湿痛 rheumatalgia
风潮 agitation
风灾 wind damage
风烛残年 old and ailing like a candle...
风烛闪烁 The candle flickered in the ...
风烟滚滚 Fumes billow in the wind.
风物 scenery
风猛浪高 The wind is strong and the w...
风猛雨骤 The wind blows hard and the ...
风琴 organ
风琴鸟 organbird
风疹 nettle rash
风疹块 wheal
风疹疫苗 rubella vaccine
风疹病毒 rubella virus
风瘫 paralysis
风神轩举 with a distinguished air
风突然停了下来 The wind dropped all of a su...
风笛 air whistle
风筝 kite
风筝伞 parakite
风筝探测 kite-ascents
风筝标识 kitemark
风筝气球 kytoonn
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