风气内动 endogenous wind |
风气很盛 become rife |
风气疝 gas colic |
风水 the location of a house or t... |
风水先生 geomancer |
风沙 sand blown by the wind |
风波 storm |
风波迭起 Disturbances arose repeatedl... |
风洞 wind tunnel |
风派人物 opportunist |
风流 distinguished and admirable |
风流之辈 distinguished and admirable ... |
风流云散 go with the wind |
风流人物 truly great men talented and... |
风流佳事 romance between man and woma... |
风流倜傥 casual and elegant bearing |
风流儒雅 cultured,talented and refine... |
风流才子 talented and romantic schola... |
风流潇洒 graceful but not showy |
风流罪过 blemishes |
风流蕴藉 graceful but not showy |
风流薮泽 the mashy place of lewdness-... |
风流韵事 a romantic affair |
风浪 stormy waves |
风浪传播 wind wave propagation |