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绳子松着的一头 the loose end of a string si...
绳子没系牢 The rope hasn't been tied fa...
绳席 paunch mat
绳愆纠缪 correct mistakes and blunder...
绳操 rope exercise
绳梯 rope ladder
绳正 Sheng Zheng
绳索 rope
绳索断了 The rope gave way.
绳结 clinch
绳结紧扣 rock fastener
绳趋尺步 be strictly upright and corr...
绳锯木断 Little strokes fell great oa...
绳鞭技 tricks with a whip
tie up
维他命 vitamin
维修 keep in repair
维修工 maintenance worker
维修成本 maintenance cost
维修房屋 maintain houses and building...
维修手册 service manual
维修汽车 service a car
维修良好 in good repair
维修费 upkeep
维修车间 maintenance shop
维吾尔族 the Uygur nationality,living...
维吾尔族聚居地区 regions where the Uygur nati...
维吾尔语 Uighur
维妙维肖 remarkably true to life
维尼纶 vinylon
维待原判 uphold the original judgment
维护 safeguard
维护世界和平 safeguard world peace
维护世界和平力量 forces working for safeguard...
维护世界和平是我们义不容辞的国际主义义务 Maintaining world peace is o...
维护人民的利益 safeguard the people's inter...
维护人民的权利 maintain the people's rights
维护合法权益 safeguard lawful rights and ...
维护团结 uphold unity
维护国家主权 defend state sovereignty
维护国家的声誉 defend the honour of one's c...
维护国际和平与安全 maintenance of international...
维护安定团结 uphold unity and stability
维护某人的权势 assert sb.'s influence
维护正义 the maintenance of justice
维护民族尊严 vindicate national honour
维护民族独立 assert national independence
维护法律尊严 guard the sanctity of the la...
维护法律面前人人平等的原则 uphold the principle that al...
维护祖国统一 safeguard the unity of the m...
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