续假一星期 have one's leave extended fo... |
续咸 Xu Xian |
续弦 remarry after the death of o... |
续未竟之绪 carry on an unfinished task |
续篇 continuance |
续编 continuation a surname |
续航 continuation of the journey |
续航力 endurance |
续航时间 duration of flight |
续订 renew one's subscription |
续订的期刊 renewed subscription |
续貂 add to sth. good with sth. b... |
绮 figured woven silk material |
绮丽 beautiful |
绮年玉貌 a pretty young girl |
绮生 Qi Sheng |
绮罗 figured woven silk material |
绮襦纨裤 young fops of wealthy and no... |
绮里 a surname |
绮里季 Qili Ji |
绯 deep red |
绯海鲷 porgie |
绯红 bright red |
绯红山楂 red haw |
绯红的晚霞 rosy evening clouds |