风刀霜剑 The wind cuts like a knife a... |
风切变 wind shear |
风刮尘土漫天扬 The dust was blown about all... |
风刮得很紧 The wind blows hard. |
风剌 winddorn |
风前残烛 a candle before a draft |
风剖面 wind profile |
风力 wind-force wind power |
风动花香 The scent of the flowers is ... |
风动铆机 pneumatic riveter |
风势加剧成了风暴 The wind grew to a tempest. |
风势渐衰 The wind is falling. |
风势稍杀 The wind abated. smart |
风势缓了 The wind is moderating. |
风势缓和了 The wind is moderating. situ... |
风化 morals and manners |
风华 elegance and talent |
风华正茂 be at the height of one's yo... |
风华绝代 be really a most unusual and... |
风卷残云 The wind blows the scattered... |
风卷残叶 the wind scatters fallen lea... |
风卷荷叶 make a clean sweep |
风发 swift as the wind energetic |
风口 a place where there is a dra... |
风口浪尖 in the teeth of the storm |