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风云而集 stream on like wind-driven c...
风云际会 the meeting of wind and clou...
风井 ventilating shaft
风井井筒 air shaft
风人墨客 poets and literary men
风从东方吹来 The wind blows easterly. the...
风传 hearsay
风传花信 The warm wind of spring awak...
风伯雨师 the clerk of Weather
风俗 custom
风俗习惯 social customs and habits
风俗喜剧 comedy of manners
风俗画 genre painting
风停 becalm
风停潮落 The storm dies down and the ...
风停雨歇 The wind has died down and t...
风光 sight
风光摄影 landscape photography
风光旖旎 an exquisite scenery
风光明媚 a radiant and enchanting sce...
风光片 scenic film
风净 well-winnowed
风凉 cool
风凉话 irresponsible and sarcastic ...
风凿 pneumatic chipping hammer
风刀霜剑 The wind cuts like a knife a...
风切变 wind shear
风刮尘土漫天扬 The dust was blown about all...
风刮得很紧 The wind blows hard.
风剌 winddorn
风前残烛 a candle before a draft
风剖面 wind profile
风力 wind-force wind power
风动花香 The scent of the flowers is ...
风动铆机 pneumatic riveter
风势加剧成了风暴 The wind grew to a tempest.
风势渐衰 The wind is falling.
风势稍杀 The wind abated. smart
风势缓了 The wind is moderating.
风势缓和了 The wind is moderating. situ...
风化 morals and manners
风华 elegance and talent
风华正茂 be at the height of one's yo...
风华绝代 be really a most unusual and...
风卷残云 The wind blows the scattered...
风卷残叶 the wind scatters fallen lea...
风卷荷叶 make a clean sweep
风发 swift as the wind energetic
风口 a place where there is a dra...
风口浪尖 in the teeth of the storm
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