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绢丝纺绸 spun silk pongee
绢丝织物 schappe
绢丝薄绸 carbaso
绢本 silk scroll
绢画 classical Chinese painting o...
绢纺 silk spinning
绢纺始纺机 frotteur
绢网 tulle
绢网印花 screen printing
绢网印花法 silk-screen process
绢花 silk flower
绢鸣 silk scroop
绣像 tepestry portrait
绣品 embroidery
绣房 embroidery
绣球 a ball made of strips of sil...
绣花 embroider
绣花丝线 floss silk
绣花拖鞋 embroidered slippers
绣花枕头 a pillow with an embroidered...
绣花被面 an embroidered quilt cover
绣花针 embroidery needle
绣花鞋 embroidered shoes
coarse linen
绥靖 pacify
绥靖主义 appeasement policy
绥靖政策 policy of appeasement
silk braid
绦子 silk ribbon
绦带 silk braid
绦虫 tapeworm
绦虫病 cestodiasis
继任 succeed
继任主席 incoming chairman
继任首相 succeed sb. as prime ministe...
继位 succeed to the throne
继嗣 adopt sb. as one's son
继室 second wife Shi,one of the l...
继往开来 carry forward the cause pion...
继承 inherit
继承人 heir
继承优良传统 carry forward the good tradi...
继承先烈遗志 carry out the behest of the ...
继承国 successor state
继承归属原则 canon of inheritance
继承性 succession
继承性免疫 adoptive immunity
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