颤证 tremor syndrome |
颤震 buffet |
颤音 trill trill |
颤音琴 vibraphone |
颥见 "颞颥" |
颦 knit the brows |
颦眉蹙额 make a wry face |
颦笑不苟 do not frown or smile to ord... |
颦蹙 knit the brows |
颧 cheekbone |
颧突 zygomatic process |
颧突眼陷 One's cheekbones stood out a... |
颧骨 cheekbone |
颧骨突起 have prominent cheekbones |
颲 strong gale |
风 wind |
风中残烛 like the candle flickering i... |
风义人情 deep respect and friendship |
风云 wind and cloud |
风云不测 unexpected misfortune |
风云人物 influential man |
风云变幻 unexpected gathering of clou... |
风云变幻的时代 an age of rapid change |
风云变色 The current political situat... |
风云突变 a sudden change in the situa... |