厥 faint | 厥后 thereafter | 厥父 his or her father | 厥繇 a surname | 厥繇庆 Jueyao Qing | 厥通 Jue Tong | 厦 a tall building | 厦门 Xiamen | 厨 kitchen | 厨子多了煮坏汤 Too many cooks spoil the bro... | 厨工 kitchen work cook | 厨师 cook | 厨师和杂货商为蛋价计较个没完 The cook and the grocer hagg... | 厨师把瓜掏空 The cook hollowed out the me... | 厨房 kitchen | 厨房下手 kitchen helper | 厨房器具 kitchen utensils | 厨房洗涤槽的水漫到了地板上 Water from the kitchen sink ... | 厨房用具 kitchen utensils | 厩 stable | 厩液泵 manure pump | 厩肥 animal manure | 厩肥堆 mixen | 厩肥撒施机 manure distributor | 厩肥施肥机 dry applicator |
| 厩肥机 manure distributor | 厩肥条施机 manure-drill | 厩舍 mew | 厮 male servant | 厮吵 make a fuss together | 厮打 come to blows | 厮杀 fight at close quarters | 厮混 fool around together | 厮见 see each other familiarly | 去 go | 去上学 go to school | 去不去随你 Whether you go or not is up ... | 去不得 must not go | 去世 die | 去乡下度假 spend one's holidays in the ... | 去了一封电报 send a telegram | 去了咳嗽添了喘 leap out of the frying pan i... | 去今五十余年 more than fifty years ago | 去伪存真 discard the false and retain... | 去你的 Go to hell! | 去兰州的乘客在南京下车 Passengers for Lanzhou aligh... | 去冬 last winter | 去势 castrate | 去势器 emasculator | 去势牛 bull stag |