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绝育 sterilization
绝育剂 chemosterilant
绝育手术 sterilization operation
绝育手术安全保险 safety insurance of steriliz...
绝色 exceedingly beautiful
绝色佳丽 an exceedingly beautiful you...
绝艺 consummate art or skill
绝路 road to ruin
绝路逢生 be alive in desperation
绝迹 disappear
绝长补短 make up a deficiency by the ...
绝非偶然 by no means fortuitous
绝顶 extremely
绝顶愚蠢的行为 the height of folly
绝顶聪明 extremely intelligent
绝顶荒谬 utterly ridiculous
绝食 fast
绝食斗争 hunger strike
绝食而死 fast to death
绝食自杀 apocarteresis
绞丝 hank knotting
绞刀 drift
绞刀式挖泥机 cutter dredge
绞刑 death by hanging
绞刑架 scaffold
绞动辘轳 wind a windlass bore with a ...
绞合 transposition
绞合天线 stranded antenna wire
绞合电容器 gimmick
绞合电缆 strand cable
绞合线 stranded wire
绞吸式挖泥船 cutter suction dredger
绞孔 ream a hole give a lot of ca...
绞尽脑汁 rack one's brains
绞弹机 bomb rammer
绞接 splice
绞接头 twist joint
绞接夹头 hinge jaw
绞接点 anchor point
绞杀 strangle
绞架 gallows
绞棒 lease rods
绞死 gibbet
绞洁 Jiao Jie
绞痛 angina
绞盘 capstan
绞盘机 teagle
绞盘棒 handspike
绞矩 lay
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