颐 cheek |
颐养 take care of oneself |
颐和园 the Summer Palace |
颐指气使 order people about by gestur... |
频 frequent |
频于 next door to |
频仍 frequent |
频传 keep pouring in |
频带 frequency band |
频带共用 band sharing |
频带分割 band sharing |
频带分离器 band separator |
频带宽度 frequency band width |
频带指示器 band indicator |
频数 frequent and continuous |
频来频往 coming and going hastily -- ... |
频段 frequency range |
频率 frequency |
频率互换 frequency frogging |
频率共用 frequency sharing |
频率共用电路 frequency-sharing circuit |
频率分布 frequency distribution |
频率变换 frequency transformation |
频率合成器 frequency synthesizer |
频率失真 frequency distortion lack fi... |