颇廷相 Po Tingxiang |
颇感兴趣 have considerable interest |
颇有主见 have definite views of one's... |
颇有局限 be rather limited |
颇有秋意 make one feel that autumn ha... |
颇有谋略 full of resource and astuten... |
颇有辩才 be quite eloquent |
颇著成效 prove rather effective |
颇见工力 show the hand of a master |
颈 neck |
颈中神经节 thyroid ganglion |
颈内动脉 internal carotid |
颈内静脉 jugular vein |
颈动脉 arteria carotis |
颈区 neck region |
颈圈 neck strap |
颈外动脉 external carotid artery |
颈外静脉 vena jugularis externa |
颈强直 nuchal rigidity |
颈总动脉 arteria carotis communis |
颈挂传声器 chest microphone |
颈斑 speculum |
颈曲 cervical flexure |
颈板 jugularia |
颈椎 cervical vertebra |