双目深陷 The eyes wax hollow. | 双目炯炯 One's eyes are piercingly br... | 双目紧闭 with one's eyes tight shut | 双目视觉 binocular vision | 双目镜 binocular | 双相 diphasic | 双相放大器 paraphase amplifier | 双相整流器 biphase rectifier | 双相电流 biphase current | 双相输出 complementary output | 双眉紧锁 One's eyebrows knit in a fro... | 双眼 binoculus | 双眼下陷 One's eyes sank. | 双眼不等视 heteropsia | 双眼单视界 horopter | 双眼单视镜 binoscope | 双眼差异 binocular disparity | 双眼拮抗 binocular rivalry | 双眼检眼镜 binophthalmoscope | 双眼点 double ocellus | 双眼皮 double-fold eyelid | 双眼竞争 retinal rivalry | 双眼视差 binocular parallax | 双眼视觉 binocular vision | 双瞳翦水 clear,beautiful eyes of a pr... |
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